- 'Marvell, Petrarchism and De Gli Eroici Furori', in English Miscellany (Edizioni di storia e Letteratura, 1973-74)
- 'Lovelace's treatment of some marinesque motifs', in Comparative Literature 29:3 (1977)
- 'From "Coded mannequin" to Bird woman: Angela Carter's Magic Flight', in Sue Roe, ed., Women Reading Women's Writing (Harvester, 1987)
- 'Contemporary Lesbian Feminist Fiction: Texts for Everywomen' in Linda Anderson, ed., Plotting Change: Contemporary Women's Fiction (Edward Arnold, 1990)
- 'Moderne anglo-amerikanische lesbish-feministische Prosa: Kontinuum, Gemeinschaft, Komedie', in Homosexualitaten-literarisch, herausgegeben von Maria Kalveran und Wolfgang Popp (Essen: Die Blaue Eule, 1991) (Literaturwissenschaftliche Beitragezum Internationalen Kongress ' Homosexuality, Which Homosexuality?', Amersterdam 19987)
- 'Antonia White's Frost in May: A Lesbian Feminist Reading', in Susan Sellers, ed., Feminist Criticism: Theory and Practice (Harvster Wheatseaft, 1991)
- 'The Lesbian Thriller: Crimes, Clues and Contradictions', in Gabriele Griffin, ed., Outwrite: Lesbianism and Popular Culture (Pluto Press, 1993)
- 'The City in Contemporary Women's Fiction' in Anna Massa and Alistair Stead, eds., Forked Tongues: Comparing Twentieth-Century British and American LIterature (Longman, 1994)
- 'Postmodern Trends in Contemporary Women's Fiction: Margaret Atwood, Angela Carter, Jeanette Winterson', in Jane Dowson and Stephen Earnshaw, eds., Postmodern Subjects, Postmodern Texts (Rodopi, 1995)
- 'The Lesbian Thriller: Transgressive Investigations', in Peter Messent, ed., Criminal Proceedings: The Contemporary American Crime Novel (Pluto Press, 1997)
- 'Gender as Performance in the Fiction of Angela Carter and Margaret Atwood' in Joseph Bristow and Trev Broughton, eds., The Infernal Desires of Angela Carter (Longman, 1997)
- 'Lesbian Fiction and the Postmodern: Genre, Narrativity, Sexual Politics', in Steven Earnshaw, ed., Just Postmodernism (Rodopii, 1997)
- 'Girl meets Girl: Changing Approaches to the Romance', in Lynne Pearce and Gina Wisker, eds,. Fatal Atttractions: Resripting Romance in Contemporary Fiction and Film (Pluto Press, 1998)
- 'Winterson's The Passion: Storytelling, Fantasy, Desire', in Tim Woods and Helena Grice, eds., 'I'm Telling You Stories': Jeanette Winterson and the Politics of Reading (Rodopi, 1998)
- 'The Representation of the Lesbian as Writer and Artist in Contemporary Fiction', in New Comparison: The European Kunstlerroman, 33/34 (2002)
- 'Foreign Bodies: The Grotesque Body in the Fiction of Jeanette Winterson', in Zoe Detsi, Katerina Kitsi-Mitakoy, Effie Yiannopoulou, eds., Wrestling Bodies (Journal of Theory and Criticism, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, vol. 11, 2003)
- 'Ellen Galford and Emma Donoghue: Feminist Transformations of Gothic and Fairy Tale', in Emma Parker, ed., Contemporary British Women Writers(English Association, Essays and Studies, 2004
- 'Lesbian Gothic: Genre, Transformation, Transgression', in Gothic Studies, 6:1 (2004)
- 'Jeanette Winterson and the Lesbian Postmodern' in James Acheson and Sarah Ross, eds., The Contemporary British Novel (Edinburgh Univestity Press, 2005)
- 'Ellen Galford's Ghost Writing: Dykes, Dybbuks and Doppelgangers', in Claire Tylee, ed., Jewish Women Writers and Twentieth Century British Culture (Delaware Universtity Press USA, 2006)
- 'Queer Transformations: Renegotiating the Abject in Anglo-American Women's Fiction' in Monike Mueller and Konstanze Kutzbach, eds., Gender and the aetheticization of the 'Unaesthetic' in Contemporary Literature and Art (Rodopi, 2007)
- 'The Vampire: Transgressive Sexuality', in Ruth Anolik and Douglas Howard eds., Sexual Horror: Representations of Sexual Difference and the Sexual Other (McFarland, USA, 2007) (a reprint of a chapter from Palmer, Lesbian Gothic: Transgressive Fictions)
- ' "She began to show me the words she had written, one by one": Lesbian Reading and Writing Practices in the fiction of Sarah Waters', in Lucie Armitt, Mary Joannou, Paulina Palmer, eds., Women's Fiction in the Market place
- 'Antonia White's Frost in May: Gothic Mansions, Ghosts and "Particular Friendships", in William Hughes and Andy Smith, eds., Queering the Gothic (Manchester University Press, 2009)
- The Queer Uncanny: New Perspectives on the Gothic (University of Wales Press, publication date December 2010 / January 2011)